This unit over the Rigor and Relevance framework is very timely as we are looking over and approving SLOs at my school. The framework was meant to look at curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Technology could easily be included in the prior list. The framework focuses on Blooms Taxonomy and the Application Model. I believe that as the levels of Blooms Taxonomy and the Application Model rises, the technology level would also increase. Very little technology is likely needed in Quadrant A. However, in Quadrant D the possible uses of technology are endless. This is not to say that is has to be used. While teaching, I had created this project that was solidly in Quadrant D, but beyond the initial research very little technology was used in the student-led simulation. The technology application in the framework also helps students get experience in many different content areas. These areas might include data entry in excel, video editing, website creation, coding, and so many more. Each of these technology task is also going to fall on both the scales the framework is focused on. The technology aspect also allows our students to shine and get experience in different areas. One of my students while teaching used his carpentry skills to create and learn about the French Revolution by creating a working guillotine. Another student could have easily made a stop motion film using the guillotine. This cross-curricular assignment got students interested in my content, but also highlighted some of their strengths. Technology and not carpentry might be the student’s strength and we need to nurture that in any way we can.
This model is also a gauge for teachers
and their assignments. Most teachers would like to believe they are always in
Quadrant D, but this is just not realistic. It allows them to look at their
assignments and reflect on which quadrant they are in. It also makes them
reflect as to whether they are using new technology with an old assignment.
I think this framework could be used
for professional development at a teacher in-service. Assignments and details
could either be created or submitted by staff. Those assignments could be
handed out to staff and then they would have to discuss and determine which
quadrant each would go in and why. I think this would lead to a light bulb
moment for many in the room.
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